

  1. Wind: Wind force and pointing direction that affects shots.
  2. Turn List: List of players and the order of the next turns.
  3. Weapons: You will be able to choose whether to use weapon 1, 2 or SS.
  4. Items: The items (Dual, Dual+ or Teleport) that you chose before starting the battle.
  5. Weather: Weather that affect the users turn by giving it greater strength or reducing it.
  6. Power Bar: You will charge the force with which you will shoot the chosen weapon of your mobile.
  7. Movement Bar: This bar tells you how much movement you have available during the turn.
  8. Current Angle: It is the angle at which you will shoot.
  9. Room Chat: You can activate the chat to write by pressing the enter key, you can also choose if the message will be sent to everyone "All" or your team "Team".
  10. Gold: It is the gold collected during the game.
  11. Turn Time: Remaining time of your turn (20 seconds maximum).
  1. Shooting mode: Drag (mouse click and drag) o Slice (space key) to charge the power of shot.
  2. Mouse Speed Scroll : Adjust mouse speed
  3. Sound Setting: Increase, decrease or mute the volume of the sounds (effects).
  4. 3D: Select the visual effect
  5. Background: Activate or deactivate the map background, the FPS and you can change the "renderer" that works best on your device.
  6. Interface: Choose using New Interface or Old Interface.